Statement of Purpose

Aims and Objectives

The Provision of Excellent Healthcare Services

  • We aim to provide excellent quality health care services to our registered patients and on occasions to patients referred to us by other GP practices and temporary residents. In order to achieve this we will:
  • Listen to our patients and react to their needs
  • Devise services that address the needs of our patients by reacting to patient surveys, advice from our patient advisory forum and learning from any feedback or complaints.
  • Offer a variety of methods by which patients can access healthcare, to suit differing needs (on-day appointments, routine appointments, nurse triage, telephone consultations, home visits, online access to appointments etc)
  • Put in place special measures to allow patient groups who may have particular difficulties to access healthcare.
  • Take on board physical, psychological and social aspects of health problems.
  • Aim to maximise patients’ well-being by working in partnership to establish their health goals.
  • Offer good quality health interventions
  • Maintain a strong ethos promoting excellence.
  • Help patients to achieve significant improvements in health and well-being.
  • Promote a healthy lifestyle
  • Deal effectively with acute medical problems as well as maintaining a comprehensive service for those with chronic health conditions.
  • Forge close working links with others who work to improve health and wellbeing in our patient population – GP association, multidisciplinary working with professionals outside the practice, collaboration with non-statutory services
  • Where possible offer additional specialist services at the practice to facilitate patients getting healthcare close to home.
  • Make sure we keep learning and improving
  • Provide and support a team of healthcare professionals and administrative staff who keep up to date so we can offer the most effective, safe and evidence-based interventions and advice.
  • Make active use of audit and significant event analysis to learn and improve
  • Provide a caring, and supportive learning environment for staff, junior doctors and medical students to help us all achieve our full potential.
  • Maintain sound practice infrastructure
  • Provide safe, clean, well-equipped surgery premises.
  • Develop a model of health care which is sustainable (financially, for the patients and for the staff) so that patients can continue to benefit.
  • Ensure safe, up-to-date administrative and clinical policies and protocols.